Wednesday, June 19, 2013

This was Patuxent MD his most recent Patuxent, MD to Quint's Orchard,MD...hopefully Elder Horowitz will send more pictures soon of Quint's Orchard! I don't know if you can see some of his journal entries but this is what Elder Horowitz sent in March--a while ago..This is what we get :)(If I'm lucky!)

Transfer to Quints Orchard

So some temporal notes

1)I could really use some ties...  Colorful ones!  (But conservative)
2)I really want to have some good ol' I dunno, food..?  (not candy :))
3) I love you guys!

So I moved to a new area, Quint's Orchard, it's almost the very northernmost part of my mission, which is different from the almost very most southern area I was just in. (Very is a very descriptive word :) )

As I was leaving, I didn't create the opportunities  but the Lord had mercy on me and allowed me to say good bye to those I had grown close to...Most had tears in their eyes, when I said good bye... (me, too) 
It was heart-wrenching.

Yet, one of my roomates phrased it the best, Elder Owens;
"You can't grow anymore here, you'll benefit more from leaving this place than from staying here."

...and he's right;  i was able to grow so much while I was here; but I will become a crutch to those around me if I stay any longer.  I love this area.  It was a great experience.  I'll keep in touch with them if I can.

I sit typing this in a college library, much different from the Family History Center I typed in last week...  I know in my heart I will continue on; that's just the kind of guy I am!  I always move forward, there's no sense in moving backward!  All the fights that I've won, all the personal battles I've had would be for naught if I slipped backward!  I progress onward so that I can become and instrument in the Lords hand, so I can better perform my calling, so I can fulfill my purpose!
Our Mission President is leaving, July first, to replaced with our new president.  It was kind of heart wrenching to sing the closing hymn at the transfer meeting.
  My new companion is Elder Epperson.  He seems pretty cool so far...

I guess that's all I have time for today!

