Friday, May 31, 2013

DC Landing!

It's been really awesome these past few days...
Where to begin...?
Well, first thing we did was head to the temple, as soon as we landed, President Matsumori told us to wander the grounds, pick a spot, then make a promise to The Lord.  I chose to take the path less traveled and went on the Nature trail.  The tranquil environment contrasted with the beautiful temple, the barren trees with the greenery of the temple proper. 
It was a calm moment that caused me to reflect on why I was truly there.
I felt in my heart, "This is the place".  This is my home for the next two years.  This is my battleground.  I want to do my very best!  In two years, all of us 'greenies' will be taken back to 'Return and Report' as per D.C. North tradition.  I hope I will be ready by then...
Anyways, to return to the goings on.  We had a meeting at the Mission Home with President Matsumori, who told us this, "This mission is a special mission, I'm not just saying that because all mission presidents are supposed to tell you that.  You are the Face of the Church for the Entire world.  For this reason, the Church is very aware of who they send here; we need you to be obedient. This is the political center of the world.  There are embassies from all the countries of the world-- except two; North Korea and Iraq.  You'll rub shoulders with the important decision-makers here, and when the Church comes knocking on their nations door, asking if they can come in, they'll remember you; the Missionaries that they've met."  (paraphrased a little)
That's a lot of pressure(just in case you weren't aware).
Oh and D.C. North is doing a Bike safety pilot program for the Church(Thankfully I'm not in a biking area to start out with).  My first companion is Elder Radford, he seems like an Awesome guy!  We are serving in the Patuxent area, and my First appointment is actually in half an hour (wish me luck!).  Besides that, I don't really have much to say...
(I'll get better at this as we go along)

1 comment:

  1. since I am new to blogging, sorry these are out of order..:( Ill get better at things as we go...
    Lori Ann
    ~ This post was when he first landed in DC after the MTC
